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Fully Alive in the Curriculum

Through the planning and implementation of the curriculum, each pupil is encouraged to reach her potential and nurture her own particular talents and abilities. The school’s consistently excellent academic results reflect the high standards of teaching and learning in Assumption. Teaching is organised through academic areas managed by Curriculum Leaders. Schemes of work, which comply with current statutory regulations, are also designed to ensure a breadth and depth of knowledge, a zest for learning and the development of skills and values necessary for life.
assumption Katie


There is a culture of self-evaluation within all departments, which ensures that they remain open to changes in education and responsive to the individual needs of pupils. Additionally, we have a Psychology for Learning Centre, offering one-to-one and tutorial support for identified pupils.

Our school building and facilities allow both curricular and extra-curricular learning to take place in a twenty-first century environment where students benefit from excellent facilities and emerging technologies. The school holds Specialist Status in Music with PE. The core aim of our school is “To develop the whole person through a Christian Education” and as a specialist school we have been able to foster our ethos, maintain our exceptional academic standards and share our excellence all areas.

The core aim of our school is “To develop the whole person through a Christian Education” and as a specialist school in Music with PE we have been able to foster our “Fully Alive” ethos, maintain our exceptional academic standards and share our excellence in all areas.


Transition from Primary School

We aim to make the transition from Primary School as smooth as possible by familiarising the pupils with the school and their classes in June. Induction Day involves the girls meeting their Form Teachers and prefects who play a vital role in ensuring the girls settle in quickly. There is an effective Pastoral System, which supports the pupils in their first few months, helping them cope with the many new experiences including bus routes and dining in the Windmill Restaurant. Year 8 pupils adapt quickly to the new environment, enjoying the challenge of a variety of subjects and teachers.

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3

At this stage, we aim to foster an early interest in a wide range of subjects and begin the process of preparing the girls for the challenges of a modern world. All pupils are given an introduction to Computing and Google Classroom.The creative and expressive areas of Music, Drama, Art and PE form a significant part of the curriculum. The pastoral dimension includes Relationships and Sexuality Education, Education for Employability and Local and Global Citizenship.

In Year 8, we offer three modern languages from which pupils choose two to follow in Year 9 and 10. The cross-curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT are developed across the curriculum. Schemes of work clearly signpost opportunities for their development, along with thinking skills and personal capabilities.

Our curriculum is designed to develop each of our pupils as:

• individuals;
• contributors to society;
• contributors to the economy and the environment.

Each area of learning will develop the necessary skills and capabilities, which allow the three main curricular objectives to be met.

Key Stage 4

 In their final year of Key Stage 3, pupils choose an individual package of subjects, which enables them to develop their particular strengths, and opens to them a wide range of career options. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets the requirements of the Entitlement Framework (24 GCSE subjects) and allows pupils to reach their full potential.

Pupils study the following GCSE core subjects:

English Language and Literature, Religious Studies and Mathematics. Pupils then select a further 6 subjects from the Options list. The expectation is that pupils choose at least ONE Modern Language and at least ONE Science. An increasing number of Key Stage 4 pupils are taking 11 or 12 GCSEs by availing of Fast Track classes in Music and Statistics. We also offer Music GCSE to local post primary schools.

All pupils follow non-examination courses through the pastoral Form Period in Relationships and Sexuality Education, Citizenship and Education for Employability. All pupils follow a non-examination course in Physical Education.

Post 16 / Sixth Form

Assumption Sixth Form offers students an extensive range of academic and social opportunities. An extensive range of 30 subjects (including both general and applied) is available, with students choosing 3 or 4 of these to AS and A2 level. The Sixth Form curriculum is designed to give you maximum academic opportunities in subject choices and career options
While there is the strong emphasis on the academic side of a pupil’s life, we also aim to develop the skills and competencies necessary for life after school.

Confidence and self-assurance of our pupils are fostered so they can cope with any challenges and difficulties they face, hopefully emerging as mature, well-balanced and optimistic individuals. We encourage our students to engage in various enrichment programmes including extra-curricular activities and volunteer schemes such as Habitat for Humanity and Saphara. We also have links with our local primary schools and businesses to enhance the career prospectives of our students.

In Assumption Grammar School, we help prepare pupils for entry into universities and colleges with over 96% of our student population proceeding to higher education, including a number being accepted for Oxbridge. We aim to provide the best possible teaching and the strongest possible support and guidance in a caring school community where students are encouraged to try their best to be their best. They are well supported in this journey by their Year Head and Form Teachers who support them both academically and pastorally. We as a school community, are enriched and strengthened by our link to the Missionary Sisters of the Assumption who continue to play a part in the moral and spiritual life of our staff and our pupils.

This spiritual dimension helps our students to recognise their uniqueness and the very important role they play in helping to create a better future society for us all. The pastoral team for Senior School is committed to the welfare of our students and are there to assist and support anyone making the transition from another school. This pastoral care team is also supported by Mrs McMenamin, the Assistant Principal and the Vice Principal and Child Protection Officer, Mrs Orsi.

