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Key Stage 4

In Assumption Grammar, we aim to provide Year 11 and 12 pupils with rich and diverse learning experiences and opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom. The welfare of our girls informs our practice, policies and procedures. As a child-centred school, there is genuine care and concern for all our pupils to ensure they reach their full potential. Our committed staff endeavour to nurture and develop the abilities and talents of their pupils. Our ‘Fully Alive’ ethos, underpinned by gospel values, keeps faith and moral development at the centre of everything we do.

Moving from KS3 to KS4 is an exciting time as the curriculum is comprised of CEAIG-informed pupil choices, where they can follow subjects they enjoy and may want to pursue as a future career. There are many leadership opportunities in Middle School including our well-established Student Council Sub Committee, appointment of Form and Vice-Captain for each Form Class, mentoring KS3 pupils and continuing to embrace the extensive list of extra-curricular opportunities available. This transition can be challenging for some with the introduction to GCSEs, increased workload, ongoing controlled assessments and the expectation that pupils are developing as independent learners. Our Pastoral Care system is structured to ensure we can support and encourage our GCSE pupils through this transition, and to work with their families, so that their time here is happy in a secure, caring and supportive learning environment. Our SENCo oversees the Psychology For Learning Centre (PLC) where a small number of GCSE pupils may attend for additional support and intervention tailored to their individual needs.

Our Counselling Service (Familyworks) is available to all KS4 pupils and this can be accessed using the self-referral form on the school website or speaking to a member of the KS4 pastoral team who can make the referral. Year 11 and 12 pupils have found this confidential and safe space helpful when facing challenges and difficulties, working with the counsellor to develop coping strategies and self-help tools.

Our Form Teachers have special responsibility for the pastoral care of a class group. They work closely with the girls to ensure they settle into the demands of KS4, they are actively involved in the Year 11 Induction Days and they meet weekly with their Form Classes to deliver our pastoral programmes. They also support anyone making the transition from another school. Our Year 11 and 12 Year Heads are responsible for overseeing all matters relating to KS4, including pastoral issues. The KS4 pastoral teams are supported by Mrs McGinn, the Assistant Principal (KS4) / Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer and Mrs Orsi, the Vice Principal / Designated Child Protection Officer. We recognise the central role which parents and carers play in the education of their children and our KS4 pastoral teams place a high priority on establishing and maintaining strong relationships with parents and carers.

year 11 classroom

Members of the Student Sub Committee 2020-21

year 11 classroom 2

The annual SVP Christmas Hamper Appeal


Overview of Year 11 Pastoral Programme

There are 5 form classes 11A-11E. Each class has one Form Period each week with their Form Teacher where the pupils follow the pastoral programme. The pupils also have a pastoral interview each term with their Form Teacher to address any issues they may have including academic progress and offering pastoral support. The table below gives an outline of the main topics covered in the Pastoral Programme.

  • Mind Out Mental Health Programme Classroom Charter Road Safety
  • E-Safety Effective use of Student Planner Christmas Charities
  • RSE relationships and Sex Education Introduction to Study Skills International Women’s Day
  • Citizenship
  • Democracy
  • Inclusion
  • Human Rights
  • Inclusion Mental Wellbeing
  • Managing the demands of CA Year 11 End of Year Celebration Day
  • Careers Education School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project Anti-bullying

All Year 11 pupil actively engage in a Mental Health programme facilitated by Action for children over a 3-week period. The students learn how to be more resilient and are offered
top tips for dealing with issues or events that can cause stress and pressure.


· School Council Representative - Melanie Buckle

Anita and student 2


Ella McAuley 11A was nominated for Michaela Foundation Wings Award

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Anna Gardiner-Runner up in All Ireland Cross Country 2020


Athlete student 1


Christmas Dinner


Mental health Workshop

Year 11 Mental Health Workshop facilitated by Action for Children
