Assumption Grammar School is committed to the education of the whole person. We, as a Christian Community, care for the faith and personal development of each student. In keeping with our Catholic ethos, we try to develop persons who are responsible and capable of making informed decisions, inspired by Christian Values.


What is RSE?

RSE - Relationships and Sexuality Education

RSE is a lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and understanding, and developing one's beliefs, attitudes and values, about sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. RSE seeks to provide young people with formal opportunities to acquire knowledge and understanding of human sexuality and to develop the skills and values they need to initate and sustain healthy, mature, Christian relationships.


The RSE Programme

In Assumption Grammar School we follow the ACCORD/CCEA 'Love Matters' Programme for Years 8 - 12.


The Focus is on:

  • Developing a language for expressing feelings,
  • Highlighting abilities, talents, strengths and weaknesses,
  • Understanding that boys and girls have different attitudes and are treated differently,
  • Deepening an appreciation of family life,
  • Raising awareness of the importance of personal safety,
  • Increasing awareness of the qualities valued in friendship and how friendship patterns can change,
  • Developing skills for dealing with conflict in relationships,
  • Providing knowledge of male and female reproductive organs,
  • Providing knowledge about the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty,
  • Raising awareness of the influence of the media,
  • Helping young people to develop the skills to deal with peer pressure.




